Ensure Academic Integrity with Screen Recording/Monitoring for Effective Learning

Boost academic integrity with screen recording/monitoring, keeping students focused and honest during exams and assignments.

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Prime Features
  • Enhance Focus and Commitment
  • Strengthen Academic Integrity
  • Ensure Fair Evaluation
  • Boost Productive Learning
  • Provide Essential Supervision
  • Adjust and Enhance with Ease


Screen Recording for Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of quality education and any reputable institution. Yet, maintaining a high integrity level is increasingly challenging in the digital era. EduLegit’s screen monitoring provides a sophisticated solution to observe and ensure students’ focus and honesty during examinations and assignment completions. Our tool captures screenshots of students’ screens regularly, offering undeniable proof of their engagement and adherence to academic policies. Embrace this cutting-edge technology within the EduLegit learning management system and lead your institution into a new era of enhanced educational standards and practices.

Enhance monitoring, management, and efficiency in education and workplaces.
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Management Software for Teachers
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Computer Monitoring Software for Schools
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Employee Monitoring Software
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Student Management Software

Key Features of Screen Recording Technology

Screen capture technology revolutionizes the way educational institutions manage and monitor student engagement. It is meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly into any learning management system, providing tools that enhance teaching and administrative capabilities.


Automated Screen Capturing

The screenshots are taken automatically, ensuring consistent monitoring without constant manual oversight. It allows educators to focus more on teaching and less on policing.


Configurable Settings

Flexibility is key in education, and the screen monitoring feature allows educators to customize capture settings to fit the specific needs of each assignment or exam, making it incredibly adaptable to any teaching scenario.


Complementary Function

Screen capture is not a standalone tool but part of the all-encompassing learning management system offered by EduLegit. As part of a greater tool suite, screen recording complements other tools, creating a unified user experience and promoting a safe and productive learning environment.


Privacy Compliance

Adherence to privacy laws is paramount. Screen guard and other EduLegit tools ensure all monitoring is done within legal boundaries, respecting student privacy while maintaining academic integrity. Furthermore, all screenshots are stored securely, ensuring privacy and compliance with educational standards and regulations.


Real-Time Monitoring Capability

For instances requiring an immediate attention, educators can monitor student screens in real-time, providing additional supervision during critical assessments.


Easy Access for Review

Navigate easily through a simple dashboard that provides a clear overview of monitoring activities and student compliance with policies and rules. Educators can also review screenshots to confirm task adherence or discuss task performance with students.

Screen Monitoring for Effective Education

Upholding Integrity
Strengthen your institution’s reputation by ensuring that every student’s work is genuine and free from dishonesty.
Increasing Student Accountability
Encourage students to take personal responsibility for their learning journey, knowing their screen activity may be reviewed.
Enhancing Educator Effectiveness
By freeing up educators from manual monitoring of student activities, they are given more time and can focus more on teaching rather than supervising, which improves the teaching process’s effectiveness and efficiency.
Data-Driven Insights
The opportunity to review screenshots of students’ activities while they are working on their assignments provides teachers with insights into how tasks are approached and where students may be struggling, while institution administrators may get an understanding of where institutional improvements can take place.
Supporting Fair Evaluations
Screen record allows fair assessments of all students under the same conditions, promoting grading transparency and a safe learning environment.
Implementing our screen monitoring in the learning processes provides numerous benefits that support the institution and its students, promoting an environment where academic achievements are genuinely earned and valued.

Increase Educational Standards with Screen Recording

For educational institutions aiming to enhance the efficacy and integrity of their digital learning offerings, the screen guard from EduLegit offers a compelling solution. Reach out to us today to explore how this innovative technology and approach towards student monitoring can transform your learning management into a more secure, efficient, and equitable experience with the EduLegit platform.

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