
Reasons Why Computer Monitoring Software Is Needed in the Workplace

The tracking functionality of our platform captures all kinds of user activity, thus making managers aware of how efficient every employee is at performing their particular functions.

What is your first reaction to desktop monitoring? It is rather negative, as everybody values privacy, which applies to all spheres, including devices and computers. Still, privacy in personal life differs from that in the workplace. It makes sense for employers to monitor how the employees work remotely or on-site throughout the day.

First of all, computer screen monitoring is needed for productivity evaluation

Without reporting to a central location, managers cannot have sufficient visibility to control what is happening as the staff is working from home. Besides, it is a great challenge for a large workforce. Managers also need insight into the employees’ hours or days to perform particular tasks. Thus, owing to the capabilities given by employee monitoring software, it is possible to conclude how well the company goals are met.


What EduLegit Employee Tracking System Can Do

EduLegit offers first-rate, well-featured monitoring solutions for time tracking and employee productivity analysis. It can ensure:

  • Tracking user activity and keystroke
  • Monitoring the apps and websites used
  • Analysis of employee engagement
  • Tracking distracting activities
  • Task management
  • Enabling first-rate visibility into employee communication

Benefits of Our Employee Tracking Solutions

The efficient and convenient user interface makes the EduLegit employee monitoring platform a solid tool for tracing and analyzing worker productivity. After the COVID-19 pandemic, every business needs a reliable tool with improved remote and hybrid worker capabilities.

By tracking all aspects of employee activities, managers prevent potential threats and boost productivity at the level of particular projects and overall business activity. With us, you can convert data into valuable insights and take proactive measures, which is very important for businesses that manage remote workforces.

Various sets of
tracking tools
Compliance with the
privacy policy
Intuitive user
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