
We Offer

With the first-rate learning management system we provide, a teacher is the one who gets thorough control over the students’ activities to be fully aware of everything they do while working on an assignment or completing an exam.

Everything can be done in one dashboard, and the teachers can track completed tasks, monitor the usage of various apps and websites, create new assignments, direct the students’ attention, assess, and leave feedback, which is very beneficial for the students’ progress and time management.

Key Features of Quality Student Activity Monitoring

EduLegit is an advanced-level student learning management system rich in collaboration, management, and monitoring features that make revolutionary changes in teachers’ work:
Analyzing all the gathered data
Our monitoring and reporting features for schools enable instructors to access all the statistics and details related to a specific task. They obtain information on document changes, readability scores, percentage of plagiarism, and the likelihood of using AI-generated ideas and can review the history of created documents with all the screen captures at a particular time.
Implementing real-time monitoring
Teachers are aware of what is going on in their classrooms.
Privacy of the collected data
Confidentiality is one of the key principles of EduLegit.
Control over external help usage
Teachers can control students using external help by knowing their IP location and how it changes while working on tasks.
Availability of reports in various formats
Reports can be generated in TXT, HTML, DOCX, or PDF format, depending on the needs of the instructors or school.
Making solutions customized for users
Different classrooms require different functionalities. EduLegit is a learning management system that enables instructors to use only necessary digital tools at the needed level, designing adequate solutions for specific classes and assignments.

Why Use EduLegit at Schools?

Using classroom and learning management systems to control students’ activities became a popular solution in the times of pandemic and enforced distance and online learning. Still, it demonstrates first-rate efficiency under extraordinary circumstances and in usual classrooms. Being easy to use and beneficial for the teachers, it offers the following privileges to them:
Effortless monitoring of students’ activity

Tracking students’ performance has never been so easy, as the teacher can monitor assignments and analyze how diligently each student has worked on the task.

Encouraging focused learning

EduLegit is a platform where students are encouraged to work on assignments without distractions, which prevents wasting time required for learning.

Giving insight into the students’ progress with solid proofs

Students’ capabilities can be easily reported owing to the analysis done with the help of numerous features, including Typing Guard, Originality Guard, AI Guard, and others.

Ensuring integrity and unbiased assessment

There are no more false accusations or suspicions regarding students’ diligence. Teachers can assess the students’ work and evaluate the attitude of their students to school responsibilities without any prejudice or bias.

Promoting collaborative learning

Students are conscious of their responsibility, and it is easy for teachers to manage classrooms of any size.

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    Top Quality Solution
    Built to Make Assessment at Schools Easier