AI-driven User Attention Tracking from

Ensure fair and accurate evaluations with AI-driven user attention tracking in educational environments.

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Prime Features
  • Focused Attention
  • Fair Assessment
  • Data-driven Insights
  • Immediate Feedback
  • Scalability and Customization
  • Privacy-First Design


The Vision Behind Attention Tracking

Instructors today face significant challenges in maintaining exam and assignment integrity. Traditional methods like proctoring and honor codes often fall short, especially against sophisticated cheating techniques. The digital age has only magnified these issues, giving students easier access to resources and methods to bypass monitoring.

User attention tracking operates on the principle of eye-tracking technology, which monitors and analyzes where and how long a person looks at various points on a screen or elsewhere. By using advanced algorithms and cameras, it captures students’ gaze patterns to ensure they are viewing the test material during assessments and exams or staying focused when working on assignments. Utilizing attention tracking in educational settings is a proactive approach to academic honesty that is a deterrent against wandering eyes that might seek unauthorized help.

Enhance monitoring, management, and efficiency in education and workplaces.
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Management Software for Teachers
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Computer Monitoring Software for Schools
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Employee Monitoring Software
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Student Management Software

AI-driven User Attention Tracking in Education

User attention tracking ensures the education system remains fair and credible in a rapidly changing world. The tool’s features allow institutions to adopt this innovative solution to uphold academic integrity and foster an environment where genuine learning thrives.


Real-Time Monitoring

Live tracking of eye movements allows for immediate detection of off-task behavior or the presence of unauthorized helpers during assignments.


Heatmaps of Attention Distribution

Provides visual maps showing where students spend most of their viewing time, which can be used to assess engagement and understanding.


Detailed Analytics

Comprehensive reports detail the focus levels of students, highlighting areas for improvement.


Complimentary to Other Assessment and Monitoring Tools

Seamlessly works with other monitoring and assessment tools offered on the EduLegit platform to provide a holistic view of student engagement and comprehension.


User-Friendly Operation

Designed with educators in mind, Attention Map Guard is built into the EduLegit learning management system and does not require any extraordinary technical expertise.


Compliance with Privacy Standards

Ensures all monitoring adheres to the highest privacy and data protection standards.

Benefits of Attention Tracking in Education

Improved Exam Security
Attention tracking significantly reduces the risk of cheating by ensuring students’ attention does not stray to unauthorized materials.
Enhanced Student Engagement
The data provided by EduLegit help instructors identify parts of their teaching material that may not be engaging students, allowing for real-time adjustments.
Objective Assessment of Focus
Attention tracking offers an unbiased method to evaluate student focus and engagement during their work on assignments and exams.
Optimized Learning Materials
Insights from attention-tracking data can guide the development of more effective educational content and assignments tailored to student attention patterns.
Support for Students with Learning Challenges
This EduLegit tool helps identify students who may struggle with maintaining focus, providing a basis for additional support and intervention.
EduLegit puts user attention tracking at the forefront of this evolution as we embrace a future where technology is integral to education. It is a tool for maintaining integrity during exams and a catalyst for a broader educational transformation. We believe this technology will pave the way for a more attentive, engaged, and honest academic journey.

Embrace the Future of Academic Excellence and Honesty

Cheating undermines the value of education, compromises academic standards, and hinders student development. It creates an unfair playing field where honest students are disadvantaged. EduLegit’s AI-driven user attention tracking offers a state-of-the-art, reliable solution to ensure that academic evaluations are fair and accurate.

With attention tracking, educational institutions can ensure that their students comply with academic integrity standards, get fair assessments, and focus on their academic success. It’s time to enhance education standards with a tool that aligns innovative technology with the timeless values of learning. Discover the benefits of attention track and take a step towards a future where every glance counts towards academic integrity. Transform your educational settings into a safe learning space with the EduLegit platform.

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