Active Work Time Control to Boost Student Potential and Focus

Empower your educational institution with active work time control to maximize student potential and time management skills.

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Prime Features
  • Optimize Virtual Classrooms
  • Boost Educational Performance
  • Develop Time Management Skills
  • Benefit from Insightful Analytics
  • Promote Fairness and Achievement
  • Adapt and Scale Effortlessly


Are Distractions Undermining Focus? Active Work Time Control Brings Attention Back

Are distractions undermining your students’ ability to focus? Our active work time control is the solution to bring attention back to where it belongs. By providing clear metrics on when and how students disengage while doing their assignments or exams, educators can implement more effective strategies to keep students on task. This tool boosts productivity and helps cultivate a safe learning environment that values diligent work and concentration.

Equipping educators with a tool that signals when students drift off-task and supports strategies to quickly recapture their attention will allow them to maintain a dynamic, interactive and safe learning environment where students can feel valued and appreciated.

Enhance monitoring, management, and efficiency in education and workplaces.
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Computer Monitoring Software for Schools
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Student Management Software

Key Features of Active Work Time Control

Our active work time control comes with an array of features that make it indispensable for educators and educational administrators:


In-Depth Activity Analysis

Log inactive periods during assignments precisely to gain a deep understanding of how students spend their time, offering a comprehensive view of engagement.


Real-Time Inactivity Alerts

Set up alerts that notify educators immediately when a student’s inactivity is critical, enabling prompt and effective intervention.


Insightful Analytical Reports

Utilize detailed reports that analyze and visualize inactivity trends, empowering educators to adjust their teaching and assessment methods and enhance student engagement strategies.


Intuitive User Dashboard

Reap the benefits of an easy-to-use interface that presents essential data at a glance and simplifies the process of monitoring and responding to student engagement levels.


Effortless Software Integration

Use the active work time control seamlessly within the EduLegit learning management platform and ensure immediate impact on student productivity.


Flexible Monitoring Options

Customize the monitoring settings to reflect the specific demands of various subjects and learning stages, ensuring the tool’s effectiveness across diverse educational contexts.

Advantages of the Active Work Time Control

Proactive Support for At-Risk Students
Active work time control helps educators identify students at risk of academic difficulties due to disengagement. By spotting patterns early, targeted interventions such as personalized tutoring or counseling can be implemented, preventing minor challenges from becoming critical issues. This proactive approach ensures every student has a chance to succeed.
Accurate and Fair Assessment
Active work time control separates active learning from downtime, allowing for fairer evaluations of student performance. Assessments reflect genuine understanding and effort, ensuring grades accurately represent student knowledge and capabilities. This promotes fairness and integrity in academic evaluations.
Sustainable Learning Environment
Active work time control provides insights for monitoring and managing student workloads effectively to prevent burnout. By identifying when students might be overwhelmed, educators can adjust assignments and workloads, promoting a healthy, sustainable academic environment where students can thrive without undue stress.
Enhanced Confidence Through Measurable Outcomes
Students are more motivated when they see tangible evidence of their progress. Active work time control offers a clear view of time management and productivity improvements, boosting student morale and encouraging a proactive approach to learning. This tool helps students feel more confident in their abilities and achievements.
Support for Remote Learning
Active work time control is valuable in remote learning settings where monitoring student engagement is challenging. It provides teachers with a clear view of how students manage their time away from the physical classroom, helping to maintain academic rigor and discipline in a virtual learning environment and ensuring students stay on track.
Incorporating active work time control into the educational framework offers many benefits for students and educators. By providing real-time insights and promoting proactive engagement strategies, this tool enhances academic performance and fosters a supportive and productive learning environment. Embrace active work time control to elevate your institution’s educational standards and ensure every student’s success.

Lead with Integrity and Innovation

Ready to revolutionize your educational institution with active work time control? Request a demo today to see firsthand how this innovative tool can transform student engagement, productivity, and overall academic success. Join us in creating a dynamic, focused, and fair learning environment where every student can thrive.

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